Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lucky Dinner Club?

Lucky Dinner Club is a monthly party for young cool cats looking to form community, make friends, and get out of their comfort zones over a home cooked meal. Also has been described as a “house party with great food,” “a Dionysian soirée,” or “kind of like that party in that scene in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
LDC is not a networking event, so don’t make it that.

How do I attend Lucky Dinner Club?

  1. Follow LDC on Instagram

  2. Sign up for our mailing list via Substack - you’ll hear about most events here first.

  3. LDC events fill up very fast. My best advice is to RSVP ASAP if you can make it. If it fills up before you can RSVP, you can be added to that event’s waitlist by sending me an email at

I have dietary restrictions, can I still come?

Let me know of your dietary restrictions / allergies ahead of time and I will do my best to accomodate. I always try to make sure everyone can enjoy the food of LDC!

How much is it?

LDC events vary in cost, but the monthly dinner parties are formatted to be as financially accessible as possible, so cool people can continue to attend. The “big” monthly dinner parties are currently priced at $40 per person, but this price will likely increase soon (not by a lot though).

Can you cater my event?

I would love to!
Please reach out to me at with your number of guests to get the conversation started.

Are you a professional chef?

Lol nope. I just love to cook and am pretty good at it + I love people.